My understanding is that the northern nation of Israel were early adopters of EL and his pantheon of gods. After all, they are called IsraEL, not Israyhwh.
Moses obtained his knowledge of YHWH from the Kenites, who I understand lived in Midian. His father-in-law was a priest and Moses' wife had to teach Moses that YHWH required male circumcision. Moses brought YHWH up with him, where the people were worshiping EL (shaddai).
The Kenites remained alongside the Israelites and they continued to support one another.
I have a suspicion that Judah and Israel were different people speaking different languages, but I am open to correction on that (and on anything). The two nations were united only under three kings.
The northern scribes produced documents promoting their perspectives (E) while the scribes in the south, at Jerusalem, produced not only their version (J) but also their demand that worship become centralised in Jerusalem.
During the Neo-Babylonian era, scribes created their self-serving history (D) now known as the Deuteronomic History (DH) -- Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings.
About 200 to 300 years later, someone who was not satisfied with the political slant of Kings, wrote Chronicles.
The truism states that secular politics is sometimes dirty but religious politics is always dirty.
Apologies for the digressions.